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Another Farm in Africa


Farming for me was much more than keeping a few cattle,” writes Henry Jackson, a descendant of Zimbabwean missionary farmers. “It was a stance for what was right.”

Another farm in Africa is an account of Jackson’s life history in Zimbabwe. As a family man, businessman, farmer and Christian minister in a traumatised community, Jackson’s story deals with his childhood in Rhodesia, the war, a political revolution and takeover of government by a communist regime, and the resultant economic collapse of the country.

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Nog ‘n Plaas in Afrika


Om te boer was vir my veel meer as om ‘n paar beeste aan te hou,” skryf Henry Jackson, ‘n afstammeling van Zimbabwe sendeling boere. “Dit was om standpunt in te neem vir dit wat reg is.”

Nóg ‘n plaas in Afrika is ‘n weergawe van Jackson se lewensgeskiedenis in Zimbabwe. As ‘n gesinsman, sakeman, boer en Christen predikant in ‘n getraumatiseerde gemeenskap handel Jackson se verhaal oor sy kinderlewe in Rhodesië, die oorlog, ‘n politiese revolusie en oorname van regering deur ‘n kommunistiese regime, asook die gevolglike ekonomiese val van die land.

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Embrace the Wilderness


While my wife and I were living in Zimbabwe where corruption was rife and where we were constantly being confronted with dangerous situations which threatened our lives and livelihood, the teaching of Jesus challenged me tremendously. As a husband and father to my family I felt a huge responsibility before God to guide my family and make good decisions. We had been violently attacked in our home and our possessions stolen. Our business and farm were deliberately sabotaged by politically-motivated people, and my life was threatened several times. Life was exceptionally difficult.

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Koester die Woestyn


Jesus se leer het my geweldig uitgedaag terwyl ek en my vrou in ‘n land (Zimbabwe) gewoon het waar korrupsie aan die orde van die dag was, en waar ons voortdurend met gevaarlike situasies gekonfronteer is, situasies wat ons lewens en lewensonderhoud bedreig het. As man en pa vir my gesin het ek ‘n groot verantwoordelikheid voor God gehad om my gesin te lei en goeie besluite te neem. Ons is geweldadig in ons huis aangerand en ons besittings is gesteel. Ons besigheid en boerdery is met opset deur polities-gedrewe mense gesaboteer en my lewe is verskeie maal bedreig. Die lewe was uitsonderlik moeilik.

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Expropriation of Land Without Compensation – What Does The Bible Say?


The violent seizure of land is not a new thing. Through the centuries, this has taken place over and over again. We read about it in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. In the first few verses of Genesis 12, we find how Jehovah instructed Abraham to go out from the country he had been living in, to a new land which He, Jehovah, would give him. Abraham finds himself led by Jehovah into the land of Canaan, and this land is then promised to him.

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Die Beslaglegging op Grond Sonder Vergoeding – Wat sê die Bybel?


Geweldadige onteiening van grond is nie ‘n nuwe verskynsel nie. Dit het al herhaaldelik deur die eeue plaasgevind. Dit kom in beide die Ou en Nuwe Testament van die Bybel voor. In die eerste paar verse van Genesis 12 gee YHWH vir Abraham die opdrag om sy land te verlaat en na ‘n nuwe land te gaan wat YHWH vir hom sou gee. Abraham word deur YHWH na die land Kanäan gelei, en dit is dan die land wat aan hom beloof is.

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In the Hollow of His Hand


In the Hollow of His Hand is the story of how an untrained and inexperienced young couple blundered unsuspectingly into the world of the supernatural when they accepted the call into ministry in 1958.

Over fifty years ago, at a time when little was written about the power of the Holy Spirit, Cyril and Peggy Ogden were plunged into spiritual warfare when they moved to pastor a small church in Gwelo, Rhodesia. They had to rely on the Holy Spirit to teach them step by step. Miracles of healing, provision and deliverance from demonic forces ensued. This story illustrates the truth that God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things!

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In die Holte van Sy Hand


In die holte van sy hand is die verhaal van ‘n onopgeleide en onervare jong paartjie wat, niksvermoedend, die wêreld van die bonatuurlike betree het toe hulle die roeping na die bediening in 1958 aanvaar het.

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Against all Odds


As a result of my protective upbringing and naivety, I was, before the incident, not even aware of the existence of vile sexual deeds, nor of the terminology used to describe them. After the devious presence of paedophilia secretly invaded our safe environment, I realised that my ignorance about the subject was to my grave disadvantage. I needed to understand it in order to deal with it.
It forced me to do some research in an attempt to understand how a paedophile’s mind worked. The information I collected can be found in the appendix of this book The purpose of the appendix is to empower people with knowledge about this evil crime so that they may be prepared if the signs are ever presented to them.

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Bible Based Business


It would be true to say that most people would like their lives to be successful, and yet, the vast majority of people never achieve this. Dreams remain only dreams. I looked carefully and wondered. What makes the difference between success and mediocrity/failure? I have seen many learned men achieve success while others fail. The rich and noble follow the same pattern. Then amongst the poorest and most ignorant and seemingly insignificant, I saw some who never rise out of their condition, and yet others who rise up and achieve great things.

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Bybelse Beginsels vir Besigheid


Gee die Bybel vir ons rigting oor hoe om ‘n besigheid te bedryf? Absoluut. Dit is gevul met woorde van wysheid wat van toepassing is vir elke aspek van ons lewens. In hierdie boek is daar omtrent 260 Skrifverwysings wat versigtig in orde gestel is om antwoorde te gee vir algemene daaglikse besigheids besluite wat elke persoon moet neem. Die toepassing van hierdie woorde van wysheid sal vir jou ‘n hoopvolle toekoms te gee.

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Circumcision of the Heart: Book 1


What we plant in our hearts, will be what comes out of our mouths. And what we speak, that is who we become – that is the direction in which we go.

James speaks of the tongue. He says the tongue is like the rudder of a ship. Ships which sail on vast oceans are “driven by strong winds, but they are still directed by a very small rudder, wherever the inclination of the pilot desires.” (James 3:4)

That rudder gives direction to the ship. The tongue is the same. What proceeds out of our mouths, gives direction to our lives. And friends, what comes out of the mouth, comes out of the heart. And what comes out from there, gives our life direction. Be careful what you plant in your heart.

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Besnydenis van die Hart: Boek 1


Uit die oorvloed van die hart praat die mond. Dit wat in ons hart is, is ook dit wat by ons mond uitkom.
12:35 “Die goeie mens bring uit die goeie skat van sy hart goeie dinge te voorskyn, en die slegte mens bring uit die slegte skat slegte dinge te voorskyn.”

Vriende, wat ons in ons hart saai, sal by ons mond uitkom. En wat ons sê, is wie ons word – dit is die rigting waarin ons sal gaan.

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Circumcision of the Heart: Book 2


The teachings of Jesus are filled with references to the “kingdom of God.” A kingdom infers a king who reigns over that kingdom. In order to reign, the king should surely be involved in the lives of those within his kingdom, and essentially it is the king who gives direction, who lays down laws, and who demands obedience to those laws from the citizens of the kingdom.


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Besnydenis van die Hart: Boek 2


Jesus se onderrig is vol verwysings na die “koninkryk van God”. Waar daar ‘n koninkryk is, moet daar noodsaaklik ook ‘n koning wees om daaroor te heers. Om te regeer, moet daar sekerlik ‘n koning betrokke wees by die lewens van diegene wat in sy koninkryk is, en dit is die koning wat rigting gee, wette maak en gehoorsaamheid aan daardie wette van die burgers in die koninkryk afdwing.

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Circumcision of the Heart: Book 3


A passage in the Song of Solomon indicates how lovesick the bride was – how she longed for Him, searching and searching until she found Him. Surely this directs our hearts towards the attitude of heart we should have towards our Bridegroom. Here is a part of this precious passage.

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Besnydenis van die Hart: Boek 3


‘n Gedeelte in die Hooglied van Salomo toon hoe verlief die bruid was – hoe sy na haar Bruidegom gesmag het, hoe sy gesoek en gesoek het totdat sy Hom gevind het. Hierdie gedeelte moet ons lei tot die ingesteldheid wat ons harte teenoor ons Bruidegom behoort te hê. Hier is ‘n aanhaling van hierdie kosbare gedeelte.

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Receive the Holy Spirit Book 1 – Gateway to the Kingdom


We find this phrase, “Receive the Holy Spirit”, at least six times in the New Testament. The above is quoted from the words of Jesus after His resurrection on the occasion of His first appearance to His disciples as they were gathered together behind locked doors for fear of the Jews.

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Ontvang die Heilige Gees Boek 1 – Ingang tot die Koninkryk


Ons kom die frase, “Ontvang die Heilige Gees” ten minste ses keer in die Nuwe Testament teë. Die bogenoemde aanhaling van Jesus was net ná Sy opstanding by die geleentheid van Sy eerste verskyning aan Sy dissipels, waar hulle agter slot en grendel uit vrees vir die Jode weggekruip het. Hulle was met verwondering gevul toe Hy die letsels van spyker gate in Sy hande vir hulle wys, en hulle besef dat hierdie werklik Jesus was.

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Receive the Holy Spirit Book 2 – The Purpose of the Holy Spirit


As we travel through the length and breadth of South Africa, bringing a word of encouragement to farmers in remote areas and groups of men and women in or out of ‘church structures’, I find two things that are prevalent throughout. Firstly, a serious lack of knowledge of the Word, and secondly, a cautious desire to know more about the work of the Holy Spirit.

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Ontvang die Heilige Gees Boek 2 – Die Doel van die Heilige Gees


Wanneer ons gedurende ons reise deur Suid-Afrika bemoediging aan boere in afgeleë gebiede bring, asook aan manne en vroue wat binne en buite kerk “strukture” beweeg, vind ek twee algemene dinge. Eerstens dat daar ‘n ernstige gebrek aan kennis van die Woord is, en tweedens dat daar ‘n versigte begeerte is om meer van die werking van die Heilige Gees te leer.

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Receive the Holy Spirit Book 3 – Baptism: Water | Spirit | Fire


I was ministering at an interdenominational men’s gathering in Pretoria once, and at the end of my address, a man sitting towards the back of the auditorium stood up and asked me a question:

“What do you believe about baptism?” This question is very controversial in South Africa, and many heated debates have been conducted over this thorny issue. I realised that I would need to answer with wisdom in this interdenominational setting and swiftly asked the Holy Spirit to help me. The words which came from my mouth was not mine.

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Ontvang die Heilige Gees Boek 3 – Die Doop: Water | Gees | Vuur


Ek het eenmaal by ‘n interkerklike manne byeenkoms in Pretoria bedien en teen die einde van my preek het ‘n man wat heel agter in die ouditorium gesit het, my ‘n vraag gevra: “Wat glo jy omtrent die doop?” Hierdie vraag raak ‘n baie omstrede kwessie in Suid-Afrika aan waaroor daar al menige vurige debatte gevoer is. Ek het besef dat ek daardie vraag in hierdie interkerklike omgewing met wysheid sou moes beantwoord, en ek het die Heilige Gees gevra om my te help. Die woorde wat uit my mond gekom het, was nie my eie nie.

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Law vs Grace


There is much confusion in the body of Christ over the teaching of law and grace, and we find various groups vehemently opposing one another. This should not be. The pendulum swings from “anti-Law”, ultra-Grace on the one end, to the “pro-Law” legality and the keeping of the law of Moses with all its sacrifices, feasts and legal practices on the other end. Then there are several other teachings that are affected by and related to these two extremes. In an attempt to bring a balanced view of Scripture, I wish to present the following simple view of the teaching.


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Wet teenoor Genade


Daar is baie verwarring in die Liggaam van Christus met betrekking tot die leer van die wet en genade, en daar is verskeie groepe wat mekaar hewig teenstaan. Dit behoort nie so te wees nie. Die slinger swaai van “anti-Wet”, ultra-genade aan die een kant tot “pro-Wet” se wettigheid en die onderhouding van die wet van Moses met al sy offers, feeste en wettiese praktyke aan die ander kant. Dan is daar verskeie ander leerstellings wat geraak word deur, en verwant is aan hierdie twee uiterstes. In ‘n poging om ‘n gebalanseerde perspektief van die Skrif voor te hou, wil ek graag die volgende eenvoudige siening van die leer voorhou.

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The Creator and His Creation


Let us begin with the wonder of light. The very first words of creation were: “Let there be light.” Light is the source of energy of all forms of life, both directly and indirectly. Without light there could be no life on the earth. Light consists of a whole spectrum of different rays of which we can see only a few.

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Die Skepper en Sy Skepping


Ons begin met die wonder van lig. Die eerste skeppingswoorde was: ”Laat daar lig wees.” Lig is die energiebron van alle vorms van lewe, direk en indirek. Sonder lig kon daar geen lewe op aarde gewees het nie. Lig bestaan uit ‘n hele spektrum van verskillende strale waarvan ons net party kan sien.

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How did it all begin?


In the beginning: That beginning may have been very, very long ago. The Bible says that God is “from everlasting to everlasting” (Psalm 90:2). John introduced his Gospel with the words: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1). We cannot fathom that there was no beginning to God’s existence – and neither can we know when He performed His first Creative Act. God: The Hebrew Word for God is “Elohim” .

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Hoe Het Dit Alles Begin?


Miljoene jong Christene het deur die afgelope eeu oor hierdie hoofstuk gestruikel, hul vertroue in die Bybel verloor, asook hul geloof verloor. Ek beskou dit as die grootste tragedie van ons tyd. Intussen moes hierdie betekenisvolle wetenskaplike hoofstuk die teenoorgestelde effek gehad het. Die doelwit van hierdie skrywe is ‘n poging om die sluier oop te trek en sy skatte te openbaar. Hierdie boekie word daarom aan jong Christene opgedra.

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The Exodus


We use the term “The Exodus” for the liberation of the nation of ISRAEL from Egyptian oppression, and the Bible record of their epic journey through the wilderness to culminate 40 years later with their entry into the Promised Land. While the term Exodus does not appear in the original text of the Bible, the subject, with all its details, dominates four Bible books, and finds echoes in most of the rest. The story involves a succession of the most profound miracles in human history.

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Die Exodus


Ons gebruik die term die Exodus (die uittog) wanneer ons na die volk van ISRAEL se bevryding van die Egiptiese onderdrukking verwys, asook die Bybelse verslag van hul verhalende reis deur die woestyn om 40 jaar later in hul toegang tot die Beloofde Land te ontaard. Hoewel die term, Exodus, nie in die oorspronklike Bybelteks voorkom nie, oorheers die onderwerp met al sy besonderhede vier boeke van die Bybel en word dit in die meeste van die ander Bybelboeke weerspieël.

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Some thoughts about the BOOK of REVELATION


There is an inseparable bond between the book of Genesis and the book of Revelation. Each without the other would be incomplete. In Genesis, we see “Paradise lost” and in Revelation, “Paradise regained”. The language of Revelation is Greek, but all its thoughts and idioms are Hebrew. All the imagery of the book (temple, tabernacle, altar, etc.) belong to Israel. The most Hebrew Gospel, Matthew, has 92 quotations from the Old Testament, the epistle to the Hebrews has 102, but the book of Revelation has no less than 285.

The book of Revelation also has strong ties with the book of Daniel. Its “beasts” are an amplification of Daniel’s “beasts” and, therefore, fit into the same chronological framework. Jesus promised a blessing to those who hear the words of this book and keep them (Revelation 1:3 and 21:7). At the same time, He issued a stern warning against those who dare take anything away from this book or add anything to it (Revelation 21:18,19).

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The Sacred Calendar & Synchrony of the Greatest Story


The Bible regularly refers to a calendar. It mentions months by number, and sometimes by name. It gives the dates in the relevant months on which the feasts, which God prescribed, had to be held. And then, of course, the unbroken pattern of six days’ work and the seventh day rest underlies all the reckoning of time, just as does the cycle of night and day and the seasons of the year. Even at the time of the deluge, exact dates were given for when the rain began and for when Noah disembarked a year later. And we see that even Noah counted the days in sevens.

What sort of calendar was it?

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Old Testament issues and the Heyday of Israel


From the very first pages of Scripture, the devil has fought tooth and nail against everything God spoke. He used every tactic at his disposal: deceit, counterfeit, deviation, outright denial, and rabid aggression. He also donned every camouflage possible: a subtle and beautiful serpent (it must have appeared very different in Genesis chapter 3 from what we know as ‘serpents’); an angel of light; a great academic; even a saintly priest; and many others. The devil is powerful, but not almighty. He is clever, but he also makes misjudgements. He is knowledgeable, but he does not know everything. While he has some great successes, he also has devastating failures. He is determined and his attack is relentless, but he is doomed. His final defeat and destruction are looming ever closer.

The very first words Scripture quotes as coming from the mouth of the devil to man, are these: “Yea, hath God said?” and so, Satan placed a question mark against God’s Word. This is something he is still constantly doing.

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The Dire situation of the World


The Christian airwaves are abuzz with prophetic predictions about these LAST DAYS.  And Christian focus is on the looming END.  Prophetic Scriptures are repeatedly cited from Old and New Testaments.  Yet the scene does not quite fit, especially when you look at the whole BIBLE PICTURE.

What is amiss?

There is an adversary in sheep’s clothes, and there are many innocent sheep following him.  Analysis of the message they proclaim will reveal utter confusion, which is the intent of the hidden adversary.

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Die Haglike toestand van die Wêreld


Die Christelike luggolwe gons van profetiese voorspellings oor die LAASTE DAE. En Christelike aandag is op die dreigende EINDE. Profetiese Skrif word herhaaldelik uit die Ou en Nuwe Testamente aangehaal. Tog pas die toneel nie heeltmal nie, veral as mens die hele BYBEL-GEHEELBEELD beskou.

Wat skort?

Daar is ‘n teenstander in skaapsklere en daar is baie onskuldige skape wat hom volg. ‘n Ontleding van die boodskap wat hulle verkondig, sal totale verwarring openbaar, en dit is die voorneme van die versteekte teenstander.

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The Kingdom of God


How important is it?

  • The kingdom of God is mentioned about a hundred times in the four Gospels.
  • It was the subject of the announcement of Jesus’ birth (Luke 1:32).
  • It was the theme of Jesus’ preaching.
  • It is the first request in the Lord’s Prayer (“Thy kingdom come”).
  • It is a primary command of Jesus: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.”
  • It was the subject of the 40 days of post-resurrection teaching of Jesus (Acts 1:3).
  • It was the subject of the final question His disciples asked before His ascension.
  • It was the subject of the preaching of the apostles (Acts 28:31).
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Die Koninkryk van God


Hoe belangrik is dit?

  • Die koninkryk van God word ongeveer ‘n honderd keer in die vier Evangelies genoem.
  • Dit was die onderwerp van die aankondiging van Jesus se geboorte (Lukas 1:32).
  • Dit was die tema van Jesus se prediking.
  • Dit is die eerste versoek in die Onse Vader-gebed (“u koninkryk kom”)
  • Dit is ‘n primêre opdrag van Jesus: “Soek allereers die koninkryk van God.”
  • Dit was die onderwerp van die 40 dae van post-opstanding lering van Jesus (Handelinge 1:3).
  • Dit was die onderwerp van die finale vraag wat Jesus se dissipels voor sy hemelvaart gevra het.
  • Dit was die onderwerp van die prediking van die apostels (Handelinge 28:31).
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Who’s who in the Bible?


MISIDENTIFICATION must be one of the most common problems plaguing the understanding of Scripture. In some cases, that misidentification is profoundly serious. For that reason, this writing is an effort to draw up an identity check list. This is given below in alphabetic order, and only for identities involved with prophetic interpretations.

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Heaven and Hell


The Christian airwaves are abuzz with prophetic predictions about these LAST DAYS.  And Christian focus is on the looming END.  Prophetic Scriptures are repeatedly cited from Old and New Testaments.  Yet the scene does not quite fit, especially when you look at the whole BIBLE PICTURE.

What is amiss?

There is an adversary in sheep’s clothes, and there are many innocent sheep following him.  Analysis of the message they proclaim will reveal utter confusion, which is the intent of the hidden adversary.

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