
Receive the Holy Spirit Book 2 – The Purpose of the Holy Spirit

As we travel through the length and breadth of South Africa, bringing a word of encouragement to farmers in remote areas and groups of men and women in or out of ‘church structures’, I find two things that are prevalent throughout. Firstly, a serious lack of knowledge of the Word, and secondly, a cautious desire to know more about the work of the Holy Spirit.


Meet The Author

"Restoring the lost sheep and healing the broken-hearted."

As we travel through the length and breadth of South Africa, bringing a word of encouragement to farmers in remote areas and groups of men and women in or out of ‘church structures’, I find two things that are prevalent throughout. Firstly, a serious lack of knowledge of the Word, and secondly, a cautious desire to know more about the work of the Holy Spirit.

Regarding the work of the Holy Spirit, I find that in both Pentecostal and conservative church groups, the believers have been much confused either by deliberate teachings anti the work of the Holy Spirit, or strange emotionally charged teachings about the Spirit, which has little or no Scriptural base. This series of books has been inspired by a deep desire to see believers fall in love with the Holy Spirit, and to know His voice of direction in their lives. Since we arrived in South Africa, we have been invited each year to conduct services during the “Pentecost” week. Most of these requests have come from conservative denominations. These teachings have always had positive results and people’s lives have been changed.


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