

Some thoughts about the BOOK of REVELATION

There is an inseparable bond between the book of Genesis and the book of Revelation. Each without the other would be incomplete. In Genesis, we see “Paradise lost” and in Revelation, “Paradise regained”. The language of Revelation is Greek, but all its thoughts and idioms are Hebrew. All the imagery of the book (temple, tabernacle, altar, etc.) belong to Israel. The most Hebrew Gospel, Matthew, has 92 quotations from the Old Testament, the epistle to the Hebrews has 102, but the book of Revelation has no less than 285.

The book of Revelation also has strong ties with the book of Daniel. Its “beasts” are an amplification of Daniel’s “beasts” and, therefore, fit into the same chronological framework. Jesus promised a blessing to those who hear the words of this book and keep them (Revelation 1:3 and 21:7). At the same time, He issued a stern warning against those who dare take anything away from this book or add anything to it (Revelation 21:18,19).


Meet The Author

I have deliberately chosen the title as “SOME THOUGHTS”, since no man can claim to have a comprehensive insight into such a wonderful and complex book. The importance of the book is very evident from its contents and its author, Jesus Christ Himself. John was just the scribe who recorded the words spoken to him and described the scenes revealed to him.

Then Jesus promised a blessing to those who hear the words of this book and keep them (Revelation 1:3 and 21:7). At the same time, He issued a stern warning against those who dare take anything away from this book or add anything to it (Revelation 21:18,19).

There is an inseparable bond between the book of Genesis and the book of Revelation. Each without the other would be incomplete. In Genesis, we see “Paradise lost” and in Revelation, “Paradise regained”. The language of Revelation is Greek, but all its thoughts and idioms are Hebrew. All the imagery of the book (temple, tabernacle, altar, etc.) belong to Israel. The most Hebrew Gospel, Matthew, has 92 quotations from the Old Testament, the epistle to the Hebrews has 102, but the book of Revelation has no less than 285.

The book of Revelation also has strong ties with the book of Daniel. Its “beasts” are an amplification of Daniel’s “beasts” and, therefore, fit into the same chronological framework. There also are some terms that are unique to Daniel and Revelation. The interpretation rules are evident as one goes along and will be dealt with in the text.

The book is primarily a prophetic book as stated in Revelation 1:3 and 21:19. Also the phrases, “things which must shortly come to pass” (Revelation 1:1), and “things which shall be hereafter” (Revelation 4:1), tend to clinch the book’s prophetic nature.

All the prophetic themes of the Bible, like a great tapestry of woven threads, culminate as they come together in this wonderful book.


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