Faith & Testimonies

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Another Farm in Africa


Farming for me was much more than keeping a few cattle,” writes Henry Jackson, a descendant of Zimbabwean missionary farmers. “It was a stance for what was right.”

Another farm in Africa is an account of Jackson’s life history in Zimbabwe. As a family man, businessman, farmer and Christian minister in a traumatised community, Jackson’s story deals with his childhood in Rhodesia, the war, a political revolution and takeover of government by a communist regime, and the resultant economic collapse of the country.

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Nog ‘n Plaas in Afrika


Om te boer was vir my veel meer as om ‘n paar beeste aan te hou,” skryf Henry Jackson, ‘n afstammeling van Zimbabwe sendeling boere. “Dit was om standpunt in te neem vir dit wat reg is.”

Nóg ‘n plaas in Afrika is ‘n weergawe van Jackson se lewensgeskiedenis in Zimbabwe. As ‘n gesinsman, sakeman, boer en Christen predikant in ‘n getraumatiseerde gemeenskap handel Jackson se verhaal oor sy kinderlewe in Rhodesië, die oorlog, ‘n politiese revolusie en oorname van regering deur ‘n kommunistiese regime, asook die gevolglike ekonomiese val van die land.

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Embrace the Wilderness


While my wife and I were living in Zimbabwe where corruption was rife and where we were constantly being confronted with dangerous situations which threatened our lives and livelihood, the teaching of Jesus challenged me tremendously. As a husband and father to my family I felt a huge responsibility before God to guide my family and make good decisions. We had been violently attacked in our home and our possessions stolen. Our business and farm were deliberately sabotaged by politically-motivated people, and my life was threatened several times. Life was exceptionally difficult.

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Koester die Woestyn


Jesus se leer het my geweldig uitgedaag terwyl ek en my vrou in ‘n land (Zimbabwe) gewoon het waar korrupsie aan die orde van die dag was, en waar ons voortdurend met gevaarlike situasies gekonfronteer is, situasies wat ons lewens en lewensonderhoud bedreig het. As man en pa vir my gesin het ek ‘n groot verantwoordelikheid voor God gehad om my gesin te lei en goeie besluite te neem. Ons is geweldadig in ons huis aangerand en ons besittings is gesteel. Ons besigheid en boerdery is met opset deur polities-gedrewe mense gesaboteer en my lewe is verskeie maal bedreig. Die lewe was uitsonderlik moeilik.

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Expropriation of Land Without Compensation – What Does The Bible Say?


The violent seizure of land is not a new thing. Through the centuries, this has taken place over and over again. We read about it in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. In the first few verses of Genesis 12, we find how Jehovah instructed Abraham to go out from the country he had been living in, to a new land which He, Jehovah, would give him. Abraham finds himself led by Jehovah into the land of Canaan, and this land is then promised to him.

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Die Beslaglegging op Grond Sonder Vergoeding – Wat sê die Bybel?


Geweldadige onteiening van grond is nie ‘n nuwe verskynsel nie. Dit het al herhaaldelik deur die eeue plaasgevind. Dit kom in beide die Ou en Nuwe Testament van die Bybel voor. In die eerste paar verse van Genesis 12 gee YHWH vir Abraham die opdrag om sy land te verlaat en na ‘n nuwe land te gaan wat YHWH vir hom sou gee. Abraham word deur YHWH na die land Kanäan gelei, en dit is dan die land wat aan hom beloof is.

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In the Hollow of His Hand


In the Hollow of His Hand is the story of how an untrained and inexperienced young couple blundered unsuspectingly into the world of the supernatural when they accepted the call into ministry in 1958.

Over fifty years ago, at a time when little was written about the power of the Holy Spirit, Cyril and Peggy Ogden were plunged into spiritual warfare when they moved to pastor a small church in Gwelo, Rhodesia. They had to rely on the Holy Spirit to teach them step by step. Miracles of healing, provision and deliverance from demonic forces ensued. This story illustrates the truth that God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things!

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In die Holte van Sy Hand


In die holte van sy hand is die verhaal van ‘n onopgeleide en onervare jong paartjie wat, niksvermoedend, die wêreld van die bonatuurlike betree het toe hulle die roeping na die bediening in 1958 aanvaar het.

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Against all Odds


As a result of my protective upbringing and naivety, I was, before the incident, not even aware of the existence of vile sexual deeds, nor of the terminology used to describe them. After the devious presence of paedophilia secretly invaded our safe environment, I realised that my ignorance about the subject was to my grave disadvantage. I needed to understand it in order to deal with it.
It forced me to do some research in an attempt to understand how a paedophile’s mind worked. The information I collected can be found in the appendix of this book The purpose of the appendix is to empower people with knowledge about this evil crime so that they may be prepared if the signs are ever presented to them.

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