Holy Spirit

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Receive the Holy Spirit Book 1 – Gateway to the Kingdom


We find this phrase, “Receive the Holy Spirit”, at least six times in the New Testament. The above is quoted from the words of Jesus after His resurrection on the occasion of His first appearance to His disciples as they were gathered together behind locked doors for fear of the Jews.

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Ontvang die Heilige Gees Boek 1 – Ingang tot die Koninkryk


Ons kom die frase, “Ontvang die Heilige Gees” ten minste ses keer in die Nuwe Testament teë. Die bogenoemde aanhaling van Jesus was net ná Sy opstanding by die geleentheid van Sy eerste verskyning aan Sy dissipels, waar hulle agter slot en grendel uit vrees vir die Jode weggekruip het. Hulle was met verwondering gevul toe Hy die letsels van spyker gate in Sy hande vir hulle wys, en hulle besef dat hierdie werklik Jesus was.

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Receive the Holy Spirit Book 2 – The Purpose of the Holy Spirit


As we travel through the length and breadth of South Africa, bringing a word of encouragement to farmers in remote areas and groups of men and women in or out of ‘church structures’, I find two things that are prevalent throughout. Firstly, a serious lack of knowledge of the Word, and secondly, a cautious desire to know more about the work of the Holy Spirit.

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Ontvang die Heilige Gees Boek 2 – Die Doel van die Heilige Gees


Wanneer ons gedurende ons reise deur Suid-Afrika bemoediging aan boere in afgeleë gebiede bring, asook aan manne en vroue wat binne en buite kerk “strukture” beweeg, vind ek twee algemene dinge. Eerstens dat daar ‘n ernstige gebrek aan kennis van die Woord is, en tweedens dat daar ‘n versigte begeerte is om meer van die werking van die Heilige Gees te leer.

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Receive the Holy Spirit Book 3 – Baptism: Water | Spirit | Fire


I was ministering at an interdenominational men’s gathering in Pretoria once, and at the end of my address, a man sitting towards the back of the auditorium stood up and asked me a question:

“What do you believe about baptism?” This question is very controversial in South Africa, and many heated debates have been conducted over this thorny issue. I realised that I would need to answer with wisdom in this interdenominational setting and swiftly asked the Holy Spirit to help me. The words which came from my mouth was not mine.

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Ontvang die Heilige Gees Boek 3 – Die Doop: Water | Gees | Vuur


Ek het eenmaal by ‘n interkerklike manne byeenkoms in Pretoria bedien en teen die einde van my preek het ‘n man wat heel agter in die ouditorium gesit het, my ‘n vraag gevra: “Wat glo jy omtrent die doop?” Hierdie vraag raak ‘n baie omstrede kwessie in Suid-Afrika aan waaroor daar al menige vurige debatte gevoer is. Ek het besef dat ek daardie vraag in hierdie interkerklike omgewing met wysheid sou moes beantwoord, en ek het die Heilige Gees gevra om my te help. Die woorde wat uit my mond gekom het, was nie my eie nie.

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