Hos 2:14 “Therefore, behold, I will allure her, bring her into the wilderness, and speak kindly to her.”
The wilderness is the frontline where the kingdoms of light and darkness are in fierce combat. It is generally a place one wishes to avoid. If it has to be, then at best some might condescend to tolerate it. But to desire it … long for it … embrace it!?
Yet, it is in the wilderness that we hear the most passionate words of kindness imaginable. This book is written to encourage and give direction to individuals and nations in times of deep turmoil.
It is evident from Scripture that there will be difficult times ahead. We are in a time of a confrontation with evil which can only escalate as we move closer to harvest time. These are end times that we are living in.
The last 2000 years have had continual waves of turmoil, as seen in the wars and famines, and in the persecution of Christians. However, we are moving into a “time of Jacob’s distress” (Jeremiah 30:7) and an escalation of earthquakes, wars, famines, and pestilence as we near the end.
Jesus told us that when we see these things happening, we should,
Luke 21:28 “… straighten up and lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near.”
We should not wait for difficult times to get to a tsunami level before we find intimacy with our Heavenly Father. Now is the best time to seek such intimacy.
The message of this book is not lightly or frivolously written. My wife and I have been involved in ministry to many people who have suffered immeasurably, either personally, or who have had close family or friends who have been attacked or robbed and tortured or murdered.
We have also personally been through considerable suffering, having been attacked in our home, robbed of all our valuables, and have had many other deliberate acts of sabotage and violent hatred against our person. We therefore understand and sympathise with people who are suffering in any way.
However, this is not a time to fear. It is a time to stand strong; a time to grow in faith. It is a time that encourages an intimate love for Jesus like no other situation can do, and a time to stick close to our family and fellow believers. These are exhilarating times.
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