
Principles of a happy marriage – Study 2

I had not expected to write a series on marriage, but as I started, I suddenly realised that it would only be right for me to share a success story for your blessing. There are far too many tragic stories out there. So much so, that many people, I’m sure, are thinking that it is not possible with all the pressures in this life, to have a happy marriage. Well, I want you to know that it is possible. And not only is it possible for someone out there to be happy, but it is also very possible for you to pick your broken marriage up and see God change it into something soft and lovely and peaceful. Hence my reason for sharing some of the things which I believe have contributed to our happiness. I must tell you from the outset that I believe in God. I believe in His holy Word, the Bible. And I believe that He is the Creator of heaven and earth, and that He therefore knows us intimately. He knows our physical frame. He knows our emotional makeup. He knows our needs, physical and spiritual, and He cares. Because of His personal care for you and me, He arranged for the Bible to be written as an instruction manual for our lives. The principles upon which my marriage is built, is therefore solidly based on that “instruction manual”, and I believe that the Bible is entirely sufficient to give us specific direction for every aspect of life that we might come across. The instructions in the Bible usually come in the form of principles, and the following principle has been a blessing to me through most of my married life. I fortunately learned it at an early stage.

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