Author: VirgulaZen

Die Vierde Man

In Daniël Hoofstuk 3 lees ons dat Nebukadnésar drie mans in ‘n vuuroond wat sewe keer meer verhit is, gegooi het. Maar tot sy verbasing het hulle nie gesterf nie. In plaas daarvan het ‘n vierde Man verskyn en saam met hulle in die vuuroond rondgeloop. Wie was hierdie vierde Man wat sulke mag oor […]

The Fourth Man

In Daniel Chapter 3, we read that Nebuchadnezzar threw three men into a super-heated furnace. But to his surprise they did not die. Instead, a fourth Man appeared, walking with them in the middle of the furnace. Who wasthisfourth Man who exercised such power over the flames that when the three men finally came out […]

Die Nederigheid van God

Ek wil ‘n bietjie gesels oor die nederigheid van God. En ek wil in die Ou Testament met ‘n ongewone Skrif begin, in Eségiël hoofstuk 15. Eség 15:2 “Wat is die hout van die wingerdstok meer as al die hout – die wingerdrank wat onder die hout van die bos is? 15:3 “Word daar hout […]

The Humility of God

The wood of the vine I would like to talk about the humility of God, and I want to start with an unusual Scripture from the Old Testament – Ezekiel Chapter 15. Ezek 15:2“Son of man, how is the wood of the vine better than any wood of a branch which is among the trees […]

How long, Oh Lord?

Original article written as an encouragement to farmers at the height of the farm invasions in Zimbabwe on 29th December 2002. This question was the subject of most earnest prayers of many righteous men. How long is it that wickedness should seem to prosper? Jeremiah cries out to God, Jer 12:1 “… Why has the […]

Die Vader Se Emosionele Reaksie Op Die Kruisiging

Die Heilige Gees het gister iets aan my openbaar wat ek nog nooit voorheen raakgesien het nie. Wat was ons Hemelse Vader se emosionele reaksie op die wrede marteling en kruisiging van sy geliefde Seun, Jesus Christus? Ek en Mandy was die afgelope twintig jaar dikwels betrokke by die besoek en berading van duisende mense […]

Father’s Emotional Response to the Crucifixion

Recently the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to something I had never seen before. What was our Heavenly Father’s emotional response to the cruel torture and crucifixion of His dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ? In the last 20 years or more, Mandy and I have often been involved in visiting and counselling thousands of people(mostly […]

Deurdronge van die Heilige Gees

Dit is Pinksterdag en ek wil bietjie kyk na hoe Pinkster ons raak, vandag, in die tyd waarin ons leef – die onsekere tye, amper 2000 jaar ná daardie groot eerste Pinksterdag. Is dit nog van toepassing? Raak dit ons nog? Nadat Petrus daardie preek in Handelinge hoofstuk 2 op Pinksterdag gepreek het, eindig hy […]

Saturated with the Holy Spirit

It is Pentecost and I want to take a look at how Pentecost affects us today and the times we’re living in – uncertain times – almost 2000 years after that first great Pentecost day. Is it still relevant? Does it still affect us? After preaching his sermon on the day of Pentecost in Acts […]

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