Distinguished guests
And for those of us who have been ousted from our farms – “Extinquished guests”
Ladies and gentlemen
May I say friends
In the past two years or so that I have lived in South Africa, after having to flee from Zimbabwe almost overnight. My wife and I have visited many farmers on their farms throughout the length and breadth of these two countries. We have prayed and spent time with and counselled those who have suffered through violence. We have also tried to comfort those whose family members have been brutally murdered. I have seen men weep unashamedly in frustration and fears of an unknown future, and tried to console those older parents whose life long dreams of their children one day taking over their farms have been shattered as they sadly wave goodbye to their children as these seek greener pastures abroad.
In my deep concern and love for the farming community I have prayed much and searched the Scriptures for practical answers. The Scriptures and thoughts I share with you this afternoon therefore do not come lightly.