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In Daniël Hoofstuk 3 lees ons dat Nebukadnésar drie mans in ‘n vuuroond wat sewe keer meer verhit is, gegooi het. Maar tot sy verbasing het hulle nie gesterf nie. In plaas daarvan het ‘n vierde Man verskyn en saam met hulle in die vuuroond rondgeloop. Wie was hierdie vierde Man wat sulke mag oor […]
The Fourth Man
In Daniel Chapter 3, we read that Nebuchadnezzar threw three men into a super-heated furnace. But to his surprise they did not die. Instead, a fourth Man appeared, walking with them in the middle of the furnace. Who wasthisfourth Man who exercised such power over the flames that when the three men finally came out […]
But God
Adapted from the original article which I wrote on 23rd March 2003 as an encouragement to many in Zimbabwe who had lost hope. This was just a few months after we had bought our farm by faith during the height of the farm invasions in our country. The situation seemed impossible, BUT GOD came through […]