Miljoene jong Christene het deur die afgelope eeu oor hierdie hoofstuk gestruikel, hul vertroue in die Bybel verloor, asook hul geloof verloor. Ek beskou dit as die grootste tragedie van ons tyd. Intussen moes hierdie betekenisvolle wetenskaplike hoofstuk die teenoorgestelde effek gehad het. Die doelwit van hierdie skrywe is ‘n poging om die sluier oop te trek en sy skatte te openbaar. Hierdie boekie word daarom aan jong Christene opgedra.
Heaven and Hell
R50.00 – R70.00The Christian airwaves are abuzz with prophetic predictions about these LAST DAYS. And Christian focus is on the looming END. Prophetic Scriptures are repeatedly cited from Old and New Testaments. Yet the scene does not quite fit, especially when you look at the whole BIBLE PICTURE.
What is amiss?
There is an adversary in sheep’s clothes, and there are many innocent sheep following him. Analysis of the message they proclaim will reveal utter confusion, which is the intent of the hidden adversary.
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